Christ and the Church

Appeal to Aciton

Imagine a world where there were 70 million more people. 70 million more people with the potential to become scientists, to discover new medicines, answer an unanswerable question, find a way to send a rocket ship to the next Galaxy, become the next Beyoncé, come up with the cure for cancer, become the next president of the USA, find a way for world peace. We loose the potential for so much greatness, when more than 70 million fetuses are harvested each year. Just in one year, we can loose the potential for brilliant minds. We as the church should encourage those who are considering abortion to choose a different path, to help those who need help with a new child, with Pregnancy Centers or just support and prayer. We might not be able to stop abortion, but we can remind people that all living things are God’s creation.

With the topic of abortion comes proving that we are actually taking the life of a living being. We, as Christians, should be invested in trying to lower the amount of abortions, because God commands us not to murder, in Exodus 20:13, “You shall not murder.” Because we have the proof of a child being living while in the womb, the child’s life is precious and they are one of God’s children, and we should not take the life of another human being. The proof lies in the four main points that prove biological life: metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction, according to Carl Sagan, in his book Billions and Billions (2). A new human zygote is different from any other human, even its mother and father, because of its DNA. Every human being, and every other living being, has a specific DNA that makes them unique and different. When an abortion occurs, it is not just the mother and her body who are effected, The Family Research Council reminds it’s readers (1). It’s also the baby’s life that ends, before it ever really has the change to live.

I think as a church, we can help the mothers who are thinking about abortion. We can convince them gently that the child is one of God’s amazing creations, and then if they decide not to abort, we can help them through raising the child, making sure they both have the food and shelter to survive. The church themselves may not be able to ban abortion or pass laws against it, but we can show the world kindness and love and maybe save some of the babies lives by talking to the mothers. Reverend Richard C. Eyer, professor at Concordia University Wisconsin says “The Church needs to speak boldly against abortion, but more boldly still about the love of Christ for sinners considering and perhaps even participating in abortion.” (3) In 1 Corinthians 2:13 it says “And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual.” We should speak as though God is speaking through us, so the people can see that we mean well and that we can show God’s love to them. I think abortion can be solved, if we use God’s love as an anchor to our words

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